FIDES The Alghero Remembrance Ring
The prayers Hail Mary and Our Father in Catalan language
In 2015, paying homage to his city, Pasquale Ferraro created FIDES the Alghero remembrance ring.
The ring is engraved with the words most-loved by the people of Alghero, the “Hail Mary” and the “Our Father,” in the unmistakable and unique Catalan language spoken in the city.
Anyone who carries Alghero in their heart can’t help but to love this ring, rich in symbolism and significance, both cultural and religious.
Prena de grassias, nostru Sagnor es amatu
Benaita ses tu mes de totas las donnas
I benait sighilu fil tou Gesus.
Santa Maria Mara de Deu
Prega pro bas peccarol che t’adoran
Araj nell’ora
de la molti nostra
Pare nostre, que sés al cel,
sigui santificat lo tou nom.
Vengui a mosaltres lo tou regne.
Se faci la tua voluntat,
com al cel així en terra.
Dóna-mos avui
lo pa nostre de cada dia.
I perdona-mos los nostres pecats,
així com mosaltres
perdonem als nostres enemics.
No mos deixis caure en temptació,
i Ilibra-mos de cada mal.